Callers Homepage

The Callers category contains articles with information pertaining to the education and professional development of callers, tools and equipment, available resources, reference material, etc.

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List of Article Titles Under Callers
Callers 197 197

Beginner Dance Party Leaders Seminar – Presentations from 2014

For many years, as a lead-in to the main convention, CALLERLAB has hosted a 1-1/2 day seminar focusing on how to call square dance parties for non-dancers. CALLERLAB has posted ... Read More

Behind The Mike Newsletter

Barry Wonson edits an Australian caller newsletter called Behind The Mike. It consistently presents a wealth of useful information for callers and dance leaders. You can subscribe to have editions ... Read More

Bob Brundage Interviews

This summary article contains a table (see below) that contains links to the interviews that Bob Brundage did with a wide variety of notable people in the square dance community ... Read More

Breaking Bread and Building Connections

As square dancers, we know that food unites. Breaking bread together is one of the oldest forms of community interaction. It provides a valuable time and place to socially connect ... Read More

British Columbia Library of Promotional Materials

This page includes a large collection of promotional materials gathered or created for the BC Square & Round Dance Federation. It includes posters, brochures, videos, music and instructional materials, and ... Read More

Buddy Weaver Square Dance Music Podcast

This podcast is for the purpose of square dance education. These are audio files that have been digitally re-mastered from albums and videos previously released on the various music labels ... Read More

Cal Campbell’s Singing Call Collection

Cal Campbell has organized a collection of singing calls and documented them in the form of three Excel spreadsheets: Basic Part 2, Basic Part 3, and Mainstream. In all there ... Read More

Cal Campbell’s Square Dance Potpourri Page

Cal Campbell has an archive page where he has been posting a large collection of square dance documents and materials. Items include various Sets In Order Yearbooks, articles and books ... Read More

Call Analysis Sheets

In order to design choreography callers must have an intimate knowledge of the characteristics of each call they use. The purpose of a Call Analysis Sheet is to provide a ... Read More

Call Me Crazy (Book)

This 178 page book presents a Step By Step Process For Calling And Teaching Modern Western Square Dances. if you've ever thought you might like to be a square dance ... Read More


Callarama is a “checker mover” program to help callers work out choreography by showing animated figures moving in response to calls entered by the caller. Callarama has defined the standard ... Read More

Caller Drill Program

IDEA: One of the most difficult parts of learning to call is finding opportunities to practice with live dancers. Today's computer technologies could compensate for some of that by providing ... Read More