Mental Image Calling Materials

Barry Clasper (
Last Update
2024-04-15 15:34:50
Mental Image is a calling technique that allows the caller to mentally track dancers and successfully resolve without visually checking the square. Of course, callers must observe the square to ensure proper timing and successful execution, but the advantage of mental image calling is that successful resolution does not depend on error-free execution by pilot squares. This collection lists a number of items containing information about mental image calling. The vast majority of this information was created by Don Beck who is perhaps the foremost authority on mental image calling.
List of Mental Image Calling Materials

In the list below click on the item heading to see more information on the item.

Mental Image - What Is It?
This short paper provides an overview of Don Beck's system for mental image choreography.
Out Of Sight (book)
Perhaps the best known reference for mental image calling, this book by Don Beck literally provides chapter and verse.
Introduction To Mental Image Choreography (video)
In this video Don Beck explains the mental image technique.
Mental Image Calling (Ackerman and French)
This 132-page document by Bill Ackerman and Rob French provides an analysis and extension of Don Beck's mental image system.
Mental Image for Lady Callers
In this narrated slideset, Daryl Clendenin describes his mental image system that focuses on tracking the lady's position instead of the gent's.

Note that clicking the link above will download a file containing a PowerPoint narrated slideset. If you do not have PowerPoint you can download the free Microsoft PowerPoint Viewer at

Presentation at 1998 CALLERLAB Convention
This is an audio recording of an interest session presented by Don Beck. This presentation has a lot of visually oriented information and may be difficult to follow with audio only. The presentation handout may be helpful: Don Beck Handout. Also note the video presentation above containing similar content.
Presentation at 2011 CALLERLAB Convention
This is an audio recording of an interest session presented by Ken Ritucci and Don Beck. This presentation has a lot of visually oriented information and may be difficult to follow with audio only. The presentation handout may be helpful: Don Beck Handout. Also note the video presentation above containing similar content.
Presentation at 2012 CALLERLAB Convention
This is an audio recording of an interest session presented by Jeannette Staeuble, Don Beck, and Darryl McMillan. This presentation has a lot of visually oriented information and may be difficult to follow with audio only. The presentation handouts may be helpful: Darryl McMillan Handout, Don Beck Handout. Also note the video presentation above containing similar content.