Callers Homepage

The Callers category contains articles with information pertaining to the education and professional development of callers, tools and equipment, available resources, reference material, etc.

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List of Article Titles Under Callers
Callers 201 201

2019 IAGSDC Survey Results

This document summarizes the results of a survey taken by the IAGSDC of their member clubs to understand what efforts were being made towards recruitment and retention of dancers and ... Read More

2024-2025 Caller Schools

This document contains the current listing of Caller Schools sponsored and staffed by CALLERLAB members ... Read More

ACC Reference Material List

This article contains a table that lists many items commonly recommended to student callers by their coaches. Live links are provided where materials or information about them is available online ... Read More

All About Modules (book)

This book covers all the bases starting with the new caller just learning how to call and on through the old hands looking for ways to expand their collection of ... Read More

Useful resource for all callers that includes singing call figures, modules, articles on sight calling, and other miscellaneous information on learning to call ... Read More

Alternate Lessons Systems Brochure

This brochure was produced by a CALLERLAB Ad Hoc committee. It explains and contrasts traditional lesson structures with multi-cycle and accelerated programs ... Read More

Amateur Caller Night

IDEA: Recruiting new callers: Once a year in our area, a club in our area has an "amateur callers night". It is announced a few months in advance. Criteria is ... Read More

American Square Dance Magazine

American Square Dance is a monthly square dance magazine published in both printed and digital forms ... Read More

ANSSRDT Newsletter

Association of Nova Scotia Square and Round Dance Teachers Newsletter. Published semi-annually in conjunction with each meeting. Each issue includes handout material for the caller workshops. Digital issues available since ... Read More

Audacity Audio Editor and Recorder Program

Audacity is a free multi-track audio editing program that runs on several platforms including Windows, Linux, and MAC OS. It permits recording from a variety of sources and producing a ... Read More

Bad Advanced Choreography

Ed Foote writes about some relative common but nevertheless bad combinations to avoid when calling Advanced ... Read More

Becoming A Square Dance Caller 4th Edition (Book)

When Bruce Holmes was learning to call, he had no luck finding a textbook to help him through the process. Now that he is a caller, he has written the ... Read More