Dancers Homepage

The Dancers category contains articles with information for dancers or regarding dancers. This includes topics such as recruiting, training, and retention of dancers, information about starting and operating clubs, holding specific square dance events, lesson plans, teaching methods, social activies, etc.

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List of Article Titles Under Dancers
Dancers 196 196

“Selling” Square Dancing To New People

This article describes some dos and don'ts when talking to new people about square dancing. How to best make it appealing and engage their interest ... Read More

174 Prospecting Ideas

Timberline Toppers is a club that has dramatically grown their membership by creating an effective plan and executing it repeatedly. One element of that plan is to use a variety ... Read More

64th US National Keynote by Ted Lizotte and Paul Cote

This article contains a link to the inspiring keynote presentation Ted Lizotte and Paul Cote gave at the 64th NSDC in 2015 ... Read More

66th US National Keynote by Eric Henerlau

This article contains the text of a keynote address by Eric Henerlau at the 66th US National in Cincinnati in 2017. It is full of great ideas for growing square ... Read More

A Few Helpful Tips & Ideas from EDSARDA

Type Idea Submitter Eastern District Square & Round Dance Association (EDSARDA) Date 2023-02-24 Links EDSARDA Tips and Ideas Description These ideas and tips were published on a private Facebook group ... Read More

A Step in Time – The American Square Dance (book)

This book traces the history of the American Square Dance from its earliest roots to modern day. It was compiled by reviewing the documents and artifacts donated by the Square ... Read More

Accelerated Learning Program for Squares (ALPS)

The ALPS program that I have been using for the last several years is not original to me. It is an adaptation of a number of different concepts such as ... Read More

Accelerated New Dancer Class

This report is from the Hubs Square dance Club in Geauga County, Ohio and their caller, Ray Miller. It concerns the Hubs and their accelerated square dance class for the ... Read More

Advertising Brochure Stressing Health Benefits

IDEA: It is a different approach. I am stressing the health benefits of square dancing. The idea is we will get these rack cards professionally printed. We will buy the ... Read More

Alberta Chatter Newsletter

The Alberta Chatter newsletter is published every six to eight weeks. It contains articles on promotion, member retention, and general interest articles, as well as a regular column by a visually impaired dancer, ... Read More

Alternate Lessons Systems Brochure

This brochure was produced by a CALLERLAB Ad Hoc committee. It explains and contrasts traditional lesson structures with multi-cycle and accelerated programs ... Read More

Amateur Caller Night

IDEA: Recruiting new callers: Once a year in our area, a club in our area has an "amateur callers night". It is announced a few months in advance. Criteria is ... Read More

American Square Dance Magazine

American Square Dance is a monthly square dance magazine published in both printed and digital forms ... Read More

ANSSRDT Newsletter

Association of Nova Scotia Square and Round Dance Teachers Newsletter. Published semi-annually in conjunction with each meeting. Each issue includes handout material for the caller workshops. Digital issues available since ... Read More

Approaching Malls With Vacant Storefronts for Demo Spaces

Check out this article in today's Chicago Tribune. Our club reached out to a local shopping mall with lots of empty storefronts. The management company was very interested in bringing ... Read More

ARTS Letter Containing Promotional Materials (Aug 2017)

This letter from the ARTS organization contains promotional materials and plans useful to clubs planning to start a new class ... Read More

As I Saw It – Bob Osgood (book)

This book was compiled and edited by Paul Moore. It describes the life and career of Bob Osgood, one of the founding fathers of MWSD and through that lens provides ... Read More

BC Westsyde Squares Recruits 29 New Dancers

This story describes how Westsyde Squares in British Columbia used marketing savvy and well targeted advertising to recruit a large new contingent of dancers. It contains a lot of great ... Read More

Bob Brundage Interviews

This summary article contains a table (see below) that contains links to the interviews that Bob Brundage did with a wide variety of notable people in the square dance community ... Read More

Breaking Bread and Building Connections

As square dancers, we know that food unites. Breaking bread together is one of the oldest forms of community interaction. It provides a valuable time and place to socially connect ... Read More

British Columbia Library of Promotional Materials

This page includes a large collection of promotional materials gathered or created for the BC Square & Round Dance Federation. It includes posters, brochures, videos, music and instructional materials, and ... Read More

Buddy Weaver Square Dance Music Podcast

This podcast is for the purpose of square dance education. These are audio files that have been digitally re-mastered from albums and videos previously released on the various music labels ... Read More

Building For Tomorrow

This presentation handout contains details from the education session delivered by Mike Hogan and Justin Russell on strategies for rebuilding ... Read More

Buy Advertising Space In Your Local Mall

Blue Bonnet Squares in Houston bought an advertising display in a local mall to advertise their classes ... Read More

CALLERLAB 2015 Brainstorming Session

IDEA: A "brainstorming" session was held during the opening session of the CALLERLAB Convention in 2015. The audience was seated at round tables with 8-10 people at a table. Each ... Read More

CALLERLAB 2021 Keynote Address by Mike Seastrom

At the virtual Annual General Meeting held in March 2021 Mike Seastrom delivered an inspiring keynote address focusing on the importance of making sociability a more prominent element of our ... Read More

CALLERLAB Square Dance Marketing Manual

This square dance marketing plan has been developed by CALLERLAB members in support of our mission: “To foster the art of square dance calling, and improve caller skills.” Just like ... Read More is a comprehensive collection of resources related to square dancing ... Read More

Class In 3 Days – Four Corners Area

So in the fall of 2003 the club decided to try a different approach. We had heard about the accelerated lesson program at the 52nd National Square Dance Convention® and ... Read More

Club For Classes – Only

The Boomerangs is a club that is not a club. We are not a dancing club; rather we are a teaching council with multitiered classes. We exist for one purpose, ... Read More