Dancers Homepage

The Dancers category contains articles with information for dancers or regarding dancers. This includes topics such as recruiting, training, and retention of dancers, information about starting and operating clubs, holding specific square dance events, lesson plans, teaching methods, social activies, etc.

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List of Article Titles Under Dancers
Dancers 195 195

IAGSDC History Wiki

The IAGSDC is an umbrella organization for square dance clubs around the world that serve the LGBTQ community. Their History Wiki presents a wide range of historical information about LGBTQ ... Read More

Ian Henzel Plan For Square Dance Recruitment

Ian Henzel is the creator of the Henzel Plan, which is a multi-phase, multi-armed approach to recruiting new people to join square dance clubs ... Read More

Ideas For Club Activities From Social Connections Contest #1

In late 2021 the Social Connections Committee ran a contest to solicit ideas to promote social connections and bonding in the square dance activity. The responses often included many valuable ... Read More

Ideas for Creating Social Connections

Cory Geishauser provides some ideas for stimulating socialization by getting people to ask questions about each other ... Read More

Ideas For Dances From Social Connections Contest #1

In late 2021 the Social Connections Committee ran a contest to solicit ideas to promote social connections and bonding in the square dance activity. The responses often included many valuable ... Read More

Ideas For Group/Club Interaction From Social Connections Contest #1

In late 2021 the Social Connections Committee ran a contest to solicit ideas to promote social connections and bonding in the square dance activity. The responses often included many valuable ... Read More

Ideas From Social Connections Contest #1

In late 2021 the Social Connections Committee ran a contest to solicit ideas to promote social connections and bonding in the square dance activity. The responses often included many valuable ... Read More

Include Non-Dancer Events At Festivals and Conventions

IDEA: We used to go to an annual 1-day festival. In the evening they had a non-dancer hall. We could bring non-dancing friends and they would spend a couple of ... Read More

Innovative Program For New Dancers Revives Dying Club

This is the second year that our Strathmore club, just east of Calgary, used ‘The Nest’ program for new dancers. What this method has meant for us in Strathmore is ... Read More

Interview Talking Points

Have you ever been asked to give an interview about square dancing? It can often catch you by surprise. This sheet of talking points from Eric Henerlau can help you ... Read More

Interviews With Callers

This summary article points to some places where recordings of interviews with callers have been collected ... Read More

Introduction to Social Media

The internet provides myriad opportunities to promote dances, clubs, and our square dance activity in general. Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and YouTube are some of the more popular ones. But how ... Read More

It’s Not Square To Dance

This 10 minute video produced by Andrea Long provides an entertaining synopsis of the square dance activity. A little bit of history, some of the square dance culture, and video ... Read More

Just Another Square Dance Caller (Book)

This book is an authorized biography of a true square dance legend: Marshall Flippo ... Read More

Keep Those New Dancers

This article by Mike Seastrom was published in edition 2022-6 of Claudia Littlefair's Alberta Chatter Newsletter. Mike provides numerous ideas for keeping new dancers enthused about coming to lesson nights ... Read More

Keith Rubow’s Dance Recordings Site

This site permits you to purchase recorded dances done by a variety of callers as well as some special festivals such as AACE, PACE Extravaganza, and Heartland. In addition there ... Read More

Large Event Planning

This presentation session covered how to plan for events that are larger than a standard club dance, either in duration or number of dancers. This could range anywhere from a ... Read More

Larkspur Tam Twirlers – Invite Public

Realizing a marketing opportunity in having the non-dancing public see a large Saturday dance, the club recently advertised their dance to the general public. Non-dancers were invited to attend at ... Read More

Leadership Seminar

In March 2003 the Akron Area Square and Round Dance Federation sponsored a Saturday afternoon Leadership Seminar for all member clubs and clubs from the neighboring Federations. All area callers ... Read More

Learning To Dance Without a Caller

This summary article from Julian Pritchard describes the various teaching and dancing recordings their group has been using to learn and to dance in the absence of a live caller ... Read More

Lee Kopman on the Phil Donahue Show

Lee Kopman created more calls used in contemporary square dance than any other individual, some 350 or more. In 1980, he appeared on the Phil Donahue Show and presented this ... Read More

Live Recordings of Legends Calling

This is a collection of nearly 300 evenings of modern square dancing, recorded live at the events. Most of the files come from the 1950s through the 1980s. The collection ... Read More

Lost Square Procedure

The Lost Square procedure provides a series of steps for a) broken square making themselves more obvious to the caller, and b) callers to notice and more quickly create a ... Read More

Marketing On A Shoestring Budget

This video shows the keynote address at the 2014 CALLERLAB convention in Reno, Nevada. It spawned the now famous catchphrase that "Nobody is talking about square dancing because nobody is ... Read More

MCASD Toolbox Collection

The Metropolitan Chicago Association of Square Dancers (MCASD) hosts a "toolbox" page that lists a variety of items that are useful for promoting square dancing and recruiting new dancers. They ... Read More

Media Articles on Square Dancing

This summary article contains a table that points to a number of media articles about square dancing or people involved in square dancing. They frequently contain information useful in the ... Read More

Media Reports on Health Benefits of Dancing

A collection of media articles that discuss the health benefits of dancing ... Read More

Minnesota Promotional Website

This Minnesota website is an example that promotes MWSD and serves as an entry point for people who are interested in learning to dance ... Read More

Morrison Grand Squares – Zero to 60 in Two Years

Morrison Grand Squares in Morrison, IL went from zero to 60 members in just two years. This item shows how they did it and provides details of their marketing plan ... Read More

Mountaineers 2017 Class

This year, Jim Langdon introduced the Rocky Mountain Recruiting Program to the Mountaineers. Although we had been doing a lot of the pieces of the program, we adopted the entire ... Read More