Dancers Homepage

The Dancers category contains articles with information for dancers or regarding dancers. This includes topics such as recruiting, training, and retention of dancers, information about starting and operating clubs, holding specific square dance events, lesson plans, teaching methods, social activies, etc.

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List of Article Titles Under Dancers
Dancers 195 195

Using Yard Signs to Advertise

IDEA: Advertising square dance lessons by placing a sign on a lawn or a poster on a telephone pole is not new. But this new twist shows how with a ... Read More

Using Yard Signs to Promote Square Dancing

How the Swinging Sugar Squares of Evergreen Park, Ill. effectively used yard signs to attract more interest in their classes ... Read More

Valley Trailers

During the early 1990’s, the Valley Trailers Square Dance Club of Northridge, California had lost much of its membership from earlier years. The club had also fallen on bad times ... Read More

Village Swingers Club New Recruiting

Report from Eva Murray about how over a period of years the Village Swingers is rebuilding their club through effective advertising and improved teaching programs ... Read More

Virtual Square Dances and Recordings

There have always been pockets of people who find themselves unable to assemble a whole square, or sometimes even another couple, but who want to dance anyway. The COVID-19 pandemic ... Read More

Visits With the Legends

For the past several years CALLERLAB has included a convention session called "A Visit With the Legends". In each session several well known and pioneer people were interviewed and told ... Read More

WA State Dance – 25 Years

This is a report from Eddie Harry with information about the 25th Anniversary of the Square Dance as the official State Dance of Washington. (10-01-2004) ... Read More

Want To Develop Your Dancing Skill? Start A Club!

This is the story of some people who wanted to hone their dancing skills, and formed a club to help them do it ... Read More

Welcoming Dance Environment Documentation

Square Dancing is an overwhelmingly social activity. Therefore, it is essential that square dance groups create a social environment that feels welcoming, engaging, and safe. Events in recent years have ... Read More

West Coast Square Dancing Flexible Learning Program

The West Coast Square Dancing site provides a great example of effective marketing of square dancing. It serves as a vehicle to promote several clubs in western British Columbia. In ... Read More

This site provides a comprehensive list of upcoming special events as well as regular dances in a geographical area. You can search for dances by area, by level, or time ... Read More

Why We Should Care About On-Line Marketing

This an article extracted from the October 2016 edition of the Alberta Chatter newsletter edited by Claudia Littlefair. In the article Claudia examines the typical strategies various age groups use ... Read More

Winning Ways (2003/2009/2018) Sage Swingers

In the various square dance magazines and web sites you can read how square dance clubs and national organizations have plans for advertising square dancing, for “improving” our public image, ... Read More

This site is designed to introduce non-dancers to the general world of square, round, and contra dancing. It includes demonstration videos, pointers to resources and clubs, and information about how ... Read More

Youth Dancing

Mike suggested that they contact the local Co-operative Extension Office (4H) to see if they would be interested in sponsoring the teens as a part of 4H. Not only was ... Read More