As I Saw It – Bob Osgood (book)

This book was compiled and edited by Paul Moore. It describes the life and career of Bob Osgood, one of the founding fathers of MWSD and through that lens provides ... Read More

Call Me Crazy (Book)

This 178 page book presents a Step By Step Process For Calling And Teaching Modern Western Square Dances. if you've ever thought you might like to be a square dance ... Read More

Hilton Audio

Hilton Audio is a primary site for purchasing specialized sound equipment related to square dance calling ... Read More

Keith Rubow’s Dance Recordings Site

This site permits you to purchase recorded dances done by a variety of callers as well as some special festivals such as AACE, PACE Extravaganza, and Heartland. In addition there ... Read More

Community Dance Journals

The CD Journal (formally titled CDP Journal) is published several times a year by the Committee for Community and Traditional Dance (CCTD). The Community Dance Program Journal is aimed at ... Read More

Restructuring El Camino Reelers Classes

El Camino Reelers in the San Francisco area was suffering a steady year-by-year decline in dancers and decided to reinvigorate their membership with a new approach to recruiting and teaching ... Read More

Seating Can Change The Social Atmosphere of a Dance

This account from Jerry Junck describes a seemingly trivial change in the way dancers are seated during breaks which he believes has improved the social atmosphere of the group and ... Read More


Callarama is a “checker mover” program to help callers work out choreography by showing animated figures moving in response to calls entered by the caller. Callarama has defined the standard ... Read More

Ceder Square Dance System (CSDS)

CSDS (Ceder Square Dance System) is a comprehensive program that incorporates under one roof all the facilities needed by square dance callers ... Read More

Social Square Dance (SSD) Teaching Guide

The Social Square Dance system is designed to create a 50 call entry program that can be taught quickly, roughly 12 weeks, and yet serve as a realistic destination program ... Read More

Collections Of Images Related to Square Dancing

This summary article contains a table that points to a number sources for images and posters related to square dancing. They can be quite useful for marketing or creating flyers ... Read More

Interviews With Callers

This summary article points to some places where recordings of interviews with callers have been collected ... Read More

Bad Advanced Choreography

Ed Foote writes about some relative common but nevertheless bad combinations to avoid when calling Advanced ... Read More


CallerToolBox is a Windows program callers can use to organize their choreography and make it easy to find sequences for specific purposes. Callers can enter their singing call figures, modules, ... Read More

Checker Cheats

Before the days of computers callers would write or work through choreography using "checkers" or "dolls". The checkers were usually colored pieces of plastic to represent the 8 dancers. The ... Read More

History of CALLERLAB Board Of Governors Since 1975

This document shows the history of the CALLERLAB Board Of Governors since 1975 ... Read More

News ‘N Notes Caller Note Service (Advanced)

This article points to editions of News 'N Notes (Advanced) produced by Ed Foote. This publication was a caller note service with a focus on choreography, but also containing other ... Read More

Caller Tutorial and Discussion Sessions

During the COVID-19 pandemic a number of Zoom caller groups emerged. These sessions typically provide tutorials and/or discussion on topics of interest to callers. The Orange County Callers Association website ... Read More

Useful resource for all callers that includes singing call figures, modules, articles on sight calling, and other miscellaneous information on learning to call ... Read More

History Of Computer Choreography Programs

During the pandemic a number of Zoom discussion groups emerged dealing with a variety of square dance topics. One was aimed at new callers and was hosted by Don Beck ... Read More

Square Dance Hall Of Fame

This website honors the 34 nominees to the Sets in Order American Square Dance Society Hall of Fame. Dorothy Shaw was the first person named, in January 1961, and successive ... Read More

The Mainstream Caller’s Notebook (book)

The Mainstream Caller’s Notebook is collection of choreographic ideas designed to help you provide more entertaining dances at the mainstream level. The material is meant to be most useful anytime ... Read More

Sounding Like A Caller

Daryl Clendenin is well known caller and Accredited Caller Coach who has taught countless caller schools. Daryl has long felt that more emphasis should be placed on the skill of ... Read More

Cal Campbell’s Square Dance Potpourri Page

Cal Campbell has an archive page where he has been posting a large collection of square dance documents and materials. Items include various Sets In Order Yearbooks, articles and books ... Read More

Cal Campbell’s Singing Call Collection

Cal Campbell has organized a collection of singing calls and documented them in the form of three Excel spreadsheets: Basic Part 2, Basic Part 3, and Mainstream. In all there ... Read More