Accelerated Learning Program for Squares (ALPS)

The ALPS program that I have been using for the last several years is not original to me. It is an adaptation of a number of different concepts such as ... Read More

Fast Track To Mainstream In Iowa

The purpose of this article is to relate our very positive experience in early 2007 with teaching the CALLERLAB Mainstream program using the “Fast Track” (or accelerated) approach. We are ... Read More

New Dancer Promotion

Report from Bill and Marge Webb, Brecksville Squares. They report information of actions the club took to increase the number of new dancers in the club. Very helpful information for ... Read More

Include Non-Dancer Events At Festivals and Conventions

IDEA: We used to go to an annual 1-day festival. In the evening they had a non-dancer hall. We could bring non-dancing friends and they would spend a couple of ... Read More

Caller Mentoring Guidelines

DOCUMENT: This document was prepared by the Caller Training Committee to assist those callers who are mentoring newer callers ... Read More is a comprehensive collection of resources related to square dancing ... Read More

This site provides a comprehensive list of upcoming special events as well as regular dances in a geographical area. You can search for dances by area, by level, or time ... Read More

Out Of Sight (book)

Out of Sight is a book that teaches square dance callers how to manage choreography using a mental image system ... Read More

This music site contains a huge collection of the offerings of many of the square dance music producers and permits online purchase and download. The site also has a number ... Read More

Dancing For Busy People

This book is an excellent resource for someone planning a party night or beginner dance. “Dancing for Busy People” is a collection of over 400 dances using easy to teach ... Read More

Teaching New Dancers (eBook)

The 18 dances featured in this short book use only four basics. Circle Right/Left, Forward & Back, Arm Turns, Star Right/Left. These four basics are used in big circles, line ... Read More

Controlling Choreography With Relationships

This 78 page document is a detailed description of how callers can use dancer relationships as a tool for resolving squares. See the document abstract below for additional details ... Read More

What Did You Say?

As square dance callers, we communicate with dancers using several mediums, but primarily auditory. Dancers react to our verbal commands. Due to the increasing age of dancers, statistics indicate that ... Read More

Beginner Dance Party Leaders Seminar – Presentations from 2014

For many years, as a lead-in to the main convention, CALLERLAB has hosted a 1-1/2 day seminar focusing on how to call square dance parties for non-dancers. CALLERLAB has posted ... Read More

Education Recordings About Modules

A collection of education recordings from CALLERLAB conventions that deal with modules ... Read More

Tim Marriner’s Caller Education Materials

Tim Marriner was a CALLERLAB Accredited Caller Coach who created and published a large quantity of caller educational material over the years. Tim generously made this wealth of informative articles ... Read More

Education Recordings About Games and Gimmicks

Looking for ideas on how to make an event a bit different or introduce some "out of the square"-type fun? These educational recordings discuss the use of games and/or gimmicks ... Read More

Media Reports on Health Benefits of Dancing

A collection of media articles that discuss the health benefits of dancing ... Read More

Moving and Grooving Square Dance CDs for Teachers

This is a set of CDs and guidebooks that can be used by teachers or community leaders as a user friendly resource for teaching square dancing ... Read More

Education Recordings About Voice

This item contains a collection of pointers to educational recordings about voice topics (mostly audio) from CALLERLAB conventions ... Read More

Education Recordings (and documents) About Leadership

This collection lists educational audio recordings about Leadership from past CALLERLAB conventions ... Read More

174 Prospecting Ideas

Timberline Toppers is a club that has dramatically grown their membership by creating an effective plan and executing it repeatedly. One element of that plan is to use a variety ... Read More

Two-Couple Teaching and Dancing Recordings

Tony Collingwood is a caller in the UK who has created an impressive repertoire of 2-couple teaching and dancing material ranging from Mainstream through C3B. These recordings are available free ... Read More

ACC Reference Material List

This article contains a table that lists many items commonly recommended to student callers by their coaches. Live links are provided where materials or information about them is available online ... Read More

Nuts And Bolts (book)

Kip Garvey presents the principles of calling current day square dance for readers interested in understanding underlying concepts and technique with emphasis on the technical aspects of choreography. This deep ... Read More