History of CALLERLAB Board Of Governors Since 1975

This document shows the history of the CALLERLAB Board Of Governors since 1975 ... Read More

CALLERLAB Convention History

Each year CALLERLAB holds a convention that provides great opportunities for education and networking. The linked document shows a list of past conventions and their locations ... Read More


The linked page shows a list of all the people who have served as Chairman Of The Board of Governors and their years of service ... Read More

Want To Develop Your Dancing Skill? Start A Club!

This is the story of some people who wanted to hone their dancing skills, and formed a club to help them do it ... Read More

Save Square Dancing With SSD

This story by two of SSD's most prominent practitioners goes over the rationale and usage of the system and how it has been shown to address square dancing's most prominent ... Read More

Caller Tutorial and Discussion Sessions

During the COVID-19 pandemic a number of Zoom caller groups emerged. These sessions typically provide tutorials and/or discussion on topics of interest to callers. The Orange County Callers Association website ... Read More


Useful resource for all callers that includes singing call figures, modules, articles on sight calling, and other miscellaneous information on learning to call ... Read More

CALLERLAB Board Of Governors (current)

This article points to information about the CALLERLAB Board of Governors (BOG) and the Executive Committee (EC) ... Read More

Building For Tomorrow

This presentation handout contains details from the education session delivered by Mike Hogan and Justin Russell on strategies for rebuilding ... Read More

Newbie Callers Zoom Discussions

During the COVID-19 pandemic all callers suddenly found themselves with lots of time on their hands. Jeremy Butler and Ted Lizotte decided to use some of that time productively and ... Read More

Partners’ Committee Handbook

This booklet is a compilation of the most frequently asked questions pertaining to partners and their individual responsibilities ... Read More

Kip Garvey Discusses Sequence and Relationship

Kip Garvey, a world-class caller, caller coach, and recording artist presents three documents discussing various elements of FASR (Formation, Arrangement, Sequence, Relationship) ... Read More

Hookup Chart for Zoom Calling

Lorne Smith from Calgary, Alberta is one of the most prolific Zoom callers. He has supplied a cabling diagram describing how the various sound and computer components need to be ... Read More

Don Beck Discusses Smooth Dancing

The pandemic spawned a multitude of online tutorial sessions for callers. In this 20-minute video Don Beck discusses the elements of smooth dancing and how to create it ... Read More

Clark Baker Discusses Hexagon Dancing

The pandemic spawned a multitude of online tutorial sessions for callers. In this video presentation Clark Baker discusses the theory and practice of hexagon dancing ... Read More

Sounding Like A Caller

Daryl Clendenin is well known caller and Accredited Caller Coach who has taught countless caller schools. Daryl has long felt that more emphasis should be placed on the skill of ... Read More

CALLERLAB Membership Information

The linked page contains information about the benefits and responsibilities of being a CALLERLAB member ... Read More

SSD In A Nutshell

This the documentary equivalent of an "elevator speech" for SSD that quickly outlines the benefits, explains the approach, and directs readers to further appropriate information. It's an excellent introduction to ... Read More

Squaring Up: A Film About Square Dancing

This 12 minute video shows the unique world of the square dancing community and the passion participants have for dancing. It features the story of a blind dancer in Calgary, ... Read More

Long Distance Calling

Tom Kaiser tells the story of his summer in rural Michigan where he wound up teaching beginners for two different clubs in the area. When it was time for him ... Read More

Breaking Bread and Building Connections

As square dancers, we know that food unites. Breaking bread together is one of the oldest forms of community interaction. It provides a valuable time and place to socially connect ... Read More

Facebook Posts Pay Off

Claudia Littlefair describes how she drummed up 30 new people for their club using Facebook. She gives chapter and verse on her strategy and the Facebook facilities she used to ... Read More

Promotional Video for Do Si Squares in Indiana

This 5-minute video was produced by WTIU Public Television from Indiana University. It presents Do Si Squares of Noblesville, Indiana. It contains interviews with dancers, club officers, caller, and cuer ... Read More


Ray Owens established the squaredancetech.com website to help callers and clubs put together websites, marketing materials, and videos that look professional and use the latest technologies. He provides website design ... Read More

Caller’s Help Music Management Program

Caller's Help is a music management program for callers ... Read More