Dancers Homepage

The Dancers category contains articles with information for dancers or regarding dancers. This includes topics such as recruiting, training, and retention of dancers, information about starting and operating clubs, holding ... Read More

Promoting Square Dancing Homepage

The Promoting Square Dancing category contains articles containing information pertaining to the promotion of the square dance activity in general, as opposed to promotion of a specific event or club ... Read More

Useful Links

Useful links to other square dance information ... Read More

CALLERLAB Information Homepage

The CALLERLAB Information category contains articles with information about CALLERLAB. For example, information about the Board of Governors, Home Office staff, conventions, and CALLERLAB history. Of course, CALLERLAB generates a ... Read More

Warning: Published Item Not Available Online

The published item that you clicked on is not available online. For information on how to acquire the item contact the CALLERLAB Home Office. You may contact CALLERLAB by: visiting ... Read More

Sight And Module Resolution Systems Document

This document is a compendium describing dozens of known systems for resolving squares, including both sight and module based approaches. The objective was to document as many systems as possible ... Read More

Category and Tag Indexes

This page alphabetically displays the site categories and topic tags with descriptions of the type of material they include. Categories are large buckets containing material largely relevant to the category ... Read More

Visits With the Legends

For the past several years CALLERLAB has included a convention session called "A Visit With the Legends". In each session several well known and pioneer people were interviewed and told ... Read More

Marketing On A Shoestring Budget

This video shows the keynote address at the 2014 CALLERLAB convention in Reno, Nevada. It spawned the now famous catchphrase that "Nobody is talking about square dancing because nobody is ... Read More

Caller Drill Program

IDEA: One of the most difficult parts of learning to call is finding opportunities to practice with live dancers. Today's computer technologies could compensate for some of that by providing ... Read More


Handout provided by Pam Clasper for the Orientation session at CALLERLAB 2013. It describes the purpose of the CALLERLAB organization and the benefits of being a member ... Read More

Extended But Not Extreme – Plus

There are many calls for which we have well known "standard" applications, and we have even documented many of them in the Standard Applications documents. "Standard", however, does not mean ... Read More

Recruiting Success – Square Benders (2002)

The Square Benders are currently one of the larger clubs in the Milwaukee, WI area with 22 couples and 13 singles. Their 2002-2003 new dancer group has 5 couples and ... Read More

TV Publicity

The Town Howlers have gained a lot of publicity for their club and square dancing through the use of their local cable TV company and the efforts of club member ... Read More

Education Recordings About Modules

A collection of education recordings from CALLERLAB conventions that deal with modules ... Read More

Mental Image Calling Materials

Mental Image is a calling technique that allows the caller to mentally track dancers and successfully resolve without visually checking the square. Of course, callers must observe the square to ... Read More

Education Recordings Of Arden Hopkin Voice Sessions

Arden Hopkin was an acclaimed vocal coach who delivered both general sessions and one-on-one coaching sessions at a large number of callerlab conventions from 1981 through 2011. This article contains ... Read More

Recruiting Success – New Zealand

A number of clubs in New Zealand have had much better success than usual attracting new dancers this year. None of us are quite sure why, but we think it ... Read More

Square Dancing in Schools – Teacher Workshop – CA

This report provides information from Santa Clara County, California about Teaching Square Dancing in the Classroom in a program called "Workshop for Teachers" ... Read More

Growth Thru Classes – Greenville, PA

An encouraging story about a club rejuvenating itself ... Read More