Calling For Modern Square Dancing

This 79-page caller text was written in 1966 by Jim Mayo, a square dance calling icon and a founding father of CALLERLAB. Despite its original publication date, this is not ... Read More

Becoming A Square Dance Caller 4th Edition (Book)

When Bruce Holmes was learning to call, he had no luck finding a textbook to help him through the process. Now that he is a caller, he has written the ... Read More

Using Sicilian Circles for Square Dancing

Cal Campbell and Daryl Clendenin discuss how to use the Sicilian Circle formation for teaching – and even as a “square dance” formation – in Modern Western Square Dancing ... Read More

Women In Calling (WIC) Music List

The WIC Music List contains music that experienced female callers have found works well for them ... Read More

2019 IAGSDC Survey Results

This document summarizes the results of a survey taken by the IAGSDC of their member clubs to understand what efforts were being made towards recruitment and retention of dancers and ... Read More

Minnesota Promotional Website

This Minnesota website is an example that promotes MWSD and serves as an entry point for people who are interested in learning to dance ... Read More

Yak Stack Speakers

Yak Stak is a venerable name in square dance speaker equipment. It was recently acquired by Scott Bennett who has put out a modernized version with an even better sound ... Read More

Collections Of Images Related to Square Dancing

This summary article contains a table that points to a number sources for images and posters related to square dancing. They can be quite useful for marketing or creating flyers ... Read More

Interviews With Callers

This summary article points to some places where recordings of interviews with callers have been collected ... Read More

Promotional Video from California

This promotional video was produced in 2019. It shows an attractive collage of slides depicting dancers having fun over a soundtrack of Dan Nordbye doing a singing call ... Read More

Promotional Video Showing Square Dancing and Others

The video was created by a member of the Cal Poly Country Line Dancing Club and includes clips from when Darren Gallina, Square Dance Caller was teaching them. It shows ... Read More

Lee Kopman on the Phil Donahue Show

Lee Kopman created more calls used in contemporary square dance than any other individual, some 350 or more. In 1980, he appeared on the Phil Donahue Show and presented this ... Read More

ANSSRDT Newsletter

Association of Nova Scotia Square and Round Dance Teachers Newsletter. Published semi-annually in conjunction with each meeting. Each issue includes handout material for the caller workshops. Digital issues available since ... Read More

Sample Radio Ads From Montana

Hunter Keller voiced four professional radio spots to advertise his beginner classes in Montana. Their first usage generated about 25 new dancers and a second round an additional 16. Each ... Read More

Ideas for Creating Social Connections

Cory Geishauser provides some ideas for stimulating socialization by getting people to ask questions about each other ... Read More

News ‘N Notes Caller Note Service (Advanced)

This article points to editions of News 'N Notes (Advanced) produced by Ed Foote. This publication was a caller note service with a focus on choreography, but also containing other ... Read More

Milestone Award Winners

The Milestone is one of CALLERLAB's most prestigious awards. To be eligible for the Milestone one must have worked in an uncharted field of square dancing and effected positive change ... Read More

Cuesta Squares: A Social Success

This is the story of Cuesta Squares which is an LGBTQ club that dances in San Luis Obispo, CA. It is different in that it is told by a new ... Read More

Two-Person (Minimal Phantoms) Square Dancing

Bob & Dorothy Simpson and Darby Love, in Nanaimo, BC created a whole series of videos they titled “Dancing In The Garage”. They are aimed at people who can't assemble ... Read More

The How & Why of New Basics

This paper by Paul Hartman appeared in American Square Dance magazine in 1974. It describes how square dancing evolved to become what we now call Modern Western Square Dancing during ... Read More

Planning To Implement SSD

During the pandemic a long series of online seminars called the Corona Learning Assistance Seminar Series (C.L.A.S.S) was presented. One of them, delivered by Jeremy Butler, explained the planning and ... Read More

SqView Presentation at CALLERLAB 2019

This panel will discuss SqView – how to get it, how to use it, and how to fix some common problems you may encounter with the program ... Read More

64th US National Keynote by Ted Lizotte and Paul Cote

This article contains a link to the inspiring keynote presentation Ted Lizotte and Paul Cote gave at the 64th NSDC in 2015 ... Read More

CALLERLAB 2021 Keynote Address by Mike Seastrom

At the virtual Annual General Meeting held in March 2021 Mike Seastrom delivered an inspiring keynote address focusing on the importance of making sociability a more prominent element of our ... Read More

Dottie Welch’s Singing Call Figure Collection

Dottie Welch has amassed a large collection of singing call figures on her website. They are organized by level (Community Dance through A2) and housed in individual PDF files. Within ... Read More