List of Sound Equipment For Square Dancing (CDLS 2017 Handout)

This 2-page document lists some of the commonly used sound equipment used for square dancing and where it may be obtained. It is a handout from a presentation at the ... Read More

Using Hearing Assist System To Slave One Amp To Another (Handout)

This handout from the CDLS session at the 2017 CALLERLAB convention explains how to slave one sound system to another using a hearing assist system. This avoids having to string ... Read More

As I Saw It – Bob Osgood (book)

This book was compiled and edited by Paul Moore. It describes the life and career of Bob Osgood, one of the founding fathers of MWSD and through that lens provides ... Read More

Sets In Order Archive

The Sets In Order magazines are one of their legacies that comprise in these pages the history of modern square dancing. Bob began publishing SIO in 1948 and the last ... Read More

Lloyd Shaw Foundation

The Lloyd Shaw Foundation preserves and shares a diverse range of dance and music traditions with an inter-generational audience. We develop leadership in traditional dance and music forms, and sponsor ... Read More

IAGSDC History Wiki

The IAGSDC is an umbrella organization for square dance clubs around the world that serve the LGBTQ community. Their History Wiki presents a wide range of historical information about LGBTQ ... Read More

Hilton Audio

Hilton Audio is a primary site for purchasing specialized sound equipment related to square dance calling ... Read More

This Is Your Brain On Dancing

This article is actually a promotion for Arthur Murray Dance Studios, but it lists a variety of studies that support the benefits of dance for brain health. The studies apply ... Read More

Keith Rubow’s Dance Recordings Site

This site permits you to purchase recorded dances done by a variety of callers as well as some special festivals such as AACE, PACE Extravaganza, and Heartland. In addition there ... Read More

Rocky Mountain Recruiting Plan

This detailed recruiting plan was abstracted from the CALLERLAB Marketing Manual. The report includes some success story examples and the Rocky Mountain Recruiting Plan is one of them. This article ... Read More

Dancing For Your Health

This newsletter article describes some studies and articles that discuss the health benefits of dancing ... Read More

CALLERLAB Online Teaching Resource

The Choreographic Applications Committee has created this resource site to assist those who are teaching square dancers. Its intent is to collect in one place all the information about each ... Read More

Three Promotional Videos From Sweden

Three short promotional videos posted to YouTube by Jon Hansell Nilsson from Sweden. All are under two minutes long ... Read More

Promotional Video – This Is Modern Pattern Dancing

This 6 minute promotional video shows some of the top modern callers, a variety of dance floors, ages, and dress. and shows how square dancing has evolved from its earliest ... Read More

Jeff Priest’s Singing Call Figures for Teaching

Jeff Priest has produced an outstanding set of books to assist callers teaching in the Basic through Plus programs. These books contain singing call figures which each feature only one ... Read More

Successful Experiences using the 12 Week Condensed Teaching Method

This story recounts the results of three years of experience with the 12-week Condensed Teaching Method (CTM) - sometimes also referred to as the Condensed Teaching Order (CTO) ... Read More

SqView Music Management Program

SqView is a music management program for callers, cuers and line dance leaders. It is specifically designed for the music management and performance needs of those groups. The program also ... Read More

Sd – A Square Dance Caller’s Helper

Sd is a computer program that lets callers enter choreography and displays the results of each call which greatly speeds up the process of writing and dramatically reduces errors. The ... Read More

NNJSDA Keynote Addresses From Roy and Betsy Gotta

At the Northern New Jersey Square Dance Association annual convention in 2018, Betsy and Roy Gotta delivered individual keynote addresses. Together, these presentations provide a wealth of insights and suggestions ... Read More

“Selling” Square Dancing To New People

This article describes some dos and don'ts when talking to new people about square dancing. How to best make it appealing and engage their interest ... Read More

Promotional Ideas From the Johnny Appleseed Club (Mansfield, OH)

This article describes the steps the Johnny Appleseed Square Dance Club went through to build a successful class ... Read More

SSD, MS, & Plus Call Booklets from North Shore Squares

North Shore Squares is a new club that dances in Evanston, ILL. Despite only being active for 18 months or so they already boast 55 members. They elected to use ... Read More

Teaching Order Design Principles

This 9-page document discusses the factors that should be considered when designing a custom teaching order, regardless of program ... Read More

Flash Cards for SSD Calls

Each card has the name of the call on one side and a dancer-friendly description of the call on the other. These sets of cards can be distributed to dancers ... Read More

North Shore Squares – Zero to 50 in 18 Months

Bruce Holmes is the caller for a new club in Evanston, ILL called North Shore Squares, which at the time of this writing has been in operation for about 18 ... Read More