Ideas For Dances From Social Connections Contest #1

In late 2021 the Social Connections Committee ran a contest to solicit ideas to promote social connections and bonding in the square dance activity. The responses often included many valuable ... Read More

Ideas For Group/Club Interaction From Social Connections Contest #1

In late 2021 the Social Connections Committee ran a contest to solicit ideas to promote social connections and bonding in the square dance activity. The responses often included many valuable ... Read More

Ideas From Social Connections Contest #1

In late 2021 the Social Connections Committee ran a contest to solicit ideas to promote social connections and bonding in the square dance activity. The responses often included many valuable ... Read More

Interviews With Callers

This summary article points to some places where recordings of interviews with callers have been collected ... Read More

Introduction To Mental Image Choreography

Don Beck provides an introduction to his mental image choreography system to the Caller Coach committee at the 2013 CALLERLAB Convention. It provides a quick overview of how the system ... Read More

Keep Those New Dancers

This article by Mike Seastrom was published in edition 2022-6 of Claudia Littlefair's Alberta Chatter Newsletter. Mike provides numerous ideas for keeping new dancers enthused about coming to lesson nights ... Read More

Large Event Planning

This presentation session covered how to plan for events that are larger than a standard club dance, either in duration or number of dancers. This could range anywhere from a ... Read More

List of Sound Equipment For Square Dancing (CDLS 2017 Handout)

This 2-page document lists some of the commonly used sound equipment used for square dancing and where it may be obtained. It is a handout from a presentation at the ... Read More

Lost Square Procedure

The Lost Square procedure provides a series of steps for a) broken square making themselves more obvious to the caller, and b) callers to notice and more quickly create a ... Read More

Marketing On A Shoestring Budget

This video shows the keynote address at the 2014 CALLERLAB convention in Reno, Nevada. It spawned the now famous catchphrase that "Nobody is talking about square dancing because nobody is ... Read More

New Dancer Marketing Website with Free Promotional Videos

The CALLERLAB Marketing Committee teamed up with Sleight Advertising of Omaha, NE to create a new professional web site and series of videos available to callers, clubs and local associations ... Read More

Novelties Section of CALLERLAB Online Teaching Resource

As part of CALLERLAB’s effort to encourage Social Connections, a section containing information about Games, Gimmicks, Interacting Squares and other related ideas has been added to the CALLERLAB Online Teaching ... Read More

Participating In CALLERLAB – Why and How

The linked PDF contains 2 articles from the March 2019 edition of the GCA Callsheet. The first, by Barry Clasper, describes the benefits of being a participant in CALLERLAB, and ... Read More

Partners’ Committee Handbook

This booklet is a compilation of the most frequently asked questions pertaining to partners and their individual responsibilities ... Read More

Rocky Mountain Recruiting Plan

This detailed recruiting plan was abstracted from the CALLERLAB Marketing Manual. The report includes some success story examples and the Rocky Mountain Recruiting Plan is one of them. This article ... Read More

Sight And Module Resolution Systems Document

This document is a compendium describing dozens of known systems for resolving squares, including both sight and module based approaches. The objective was to document as many systems as possible ... Read More

Social Square Dance (SSD) Alphabetical Call List

Thanks to Kurt Gollhardt for producing this single page that alphabetically lists the calls used in the new CALLERLAB Social Square Dance program. The sheet highlights the calls from the ... Read More

Social Square Dance (SSD) Teaching Guide

The Social Square Dance system is designed to create a 50 call entry program that can be taught quickly, roughly 12 weeks, and yet serve as a realistic destination program ... Read More

SqView Presentation at CALLERLAB 2019

This panel will discuss SqView – how to get it, how to use it, and how to fix some common problems you may encounter with the program ... Read More

SSD Documentation and Support Materials

This article collects in one place documentation and materials that support the use of the SSD system. Some were created by the CALLERLAB SSD Committee while others were created by ... Read More

Stages Document from Women In Calling Committee

This document was produced by the Women In Calling Committee to assist and inform women callers regarding issues that are unique to women callers ... Read More

Standard Contract for a Calling Date

This PDF file contains a boilerplate standard contract you can use when arranging a calling date ... Read More

Teaching Order Design Principles

This 9-page document discusses the factors that should be considered when designing a custom teaching order, regardless of program ... Read More

Teaching Styling

Presentation on the how's and why's of teaching styling to new dancers. How styling can help you and your dancers to succeed. Functional styling that helps dancers succeed and feel ... Read More

Using Hearing Assist System To Slave One Amp To Another (Handout)

This handout from the CDLS session at the 2017 CALLERLAB convention explains how to slave one sound system to another using a hearing assist system. This avoids having to string ... Read More

Visits With the Legends

For the past several years CALLERLAB has included a convention session called "A Visit With the Legends". In each session several well known and pioneer people were interviewed and told ... Read More

Welcoming Dance Environment Documentation

Square Dancing is an overwhelmingly social activity. Therefore, it is essential that square dance groups create a social environment that feels welcoming, engaging, and safe. Events in recent years have ... Read More

What Did You Say?

As square dance callers, we communicate with dancers using several mediums, but primarily auditory. Dancers react to our verbal commands. Due to the increasing age of dancers, statistics indicate that ... Read More


Handout provided by Pam Clasper for the Orientation session at CALLERLAB 2013. It describes the purpose of the CALLERLAB organization and the benefits of being a member ... Read More

Women In Calling (WIC) Music List

The WIC Music List contains music that experienced female callers have found works well for them ... Read More