Square Dancing in Schools – Teacher Workshop – CA

This report provides information from Santa Clara County, California about Teaching Square Dancing in the Classroom in a program called "Workshop for Teachers" ... Read More

SSD Documentation and Support Materials

This article collects in one place documentation and materials that support the use of the SSD system. Some were created by the CALLERLAB SSD Committee while others were created by ... Read More

SSD FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

Those who are considering use of the Social Square Dance (SSD) system usually have many questions about how it works, the best way to implement it, and the issues they ... Read More

SSD In A Nutshell

This the documentary equivalent of an "elevator speech" for SSD that quickly outlines the benefits, explains the approach, and directs readers to further appropriate information. It's an excellent introduction to ... Read More

SSD, MS, & Plus Call Booklets from North Shore Squares

North Shore Squares is a new club that dances in Evanston, ILL. Despite only being active for 18 months or so they already boast 55 members. They elected to use ... Read More

Success Using Fast Track in Edmonton, Alberta

An account of how using a Fast Track program helped to reinvigorate the Country Sunshiners club ... Read More

Successful Experiences using the 12 Week Condensed Teaching Method

This story recounts the results of three years of experience with the 12-week Condensed Teaching Method (CTM) - sometimes also referred to as the Condensed Teaching Order (CTO) ... Read More


This site contains a tool that allows viewers to watch an animation of a call being performed, often from a variety of starting formations. It provides an excellent educational tool ... Read More

Teaching an SSD Class

This Winning Ways story from a newer caller explains how she is using the SSD program to teach new dancers ... Read More

Teaching Beginners on Zoom

Have you wondered if it might be possible teach beginner dancers via Zoom? Ray Brendzy has been doing just that during the pandemic. He has made video recordings of his ... Read More

Teaching Order Design Principles

This 9-page document discusses the factors that should be considered when designing a custom teaching order, regardless of program ... Read More

Teaching Orders

When planning for a class, regardless of program, one of the earliest decisions is to determine the order in which calls will be taught. This article collects information about a ... Read More

Teaching Styling

Presentation on the how's and why's of teaching styling to new dancers. How styling can help you and your dancers to succeed. Functional styling that helps dancers succeed and feel ... Read More

Tech Squares Call Definitions

Tech Squares is a club that operates at MIT. An interesting fact about this club is that their lesson-set is actually offered by MIT as a Physical Education credit. Part ... Read More

Tim Marriner’s Caller Education Materials

Tim Marriner was a CALLERLAB Accredited Caller Coach who created and published a large quantity of caller educational material over the years. Tim generously made this wealth of informative articles ... Read More

Two-Couple Teaching and Dancing Recordings

Tony Collingwood is a caller in the UK who has created an impressive repertoire of 2-couple teaching and dancing material ranging from Mainstream through C3B. These recordings are available free ... Read More

Two-Person (Minimal Phantoms) Square Dancing

Bob & Dorothy Simpson and Darby Love, in Nanaimo, BC created a whole series of videos they titled “Dancing In The Garage”. They are aimed at people who can't assemble ... Read More

Using Sicilian Circles for Square Dancing

Cal Campbell and Daryl Clendenin discuss how to use the Sicilian Circle formation for teaching – and even as a “square dance” formation – in Modern Western Square Dancing ... Read More

Using The 12 Session Twice Per Week Program in Red Deer, Alberta

For the 2014-15 square dance season, the Red Deer Square Dance Club decided to try something new and untested for introducing New Dancers to square dancing. Instead of the usual ... Read More

Valley Trailers

During the early 1990’s, the Valley Trailers Square Dance Club of Northridge, California had lost much of its membership from earlier years. The club had also fallen on bad times ... Read More

Virtual Square Dances and Recordings

There have always been pockets of people who find themselves unable to assemble a whole square, or sometimes even another couple, but who want to dance anyway. The COVID-19 pandemic ... Read More

Want To Develop Your Dancing Skill? Start A Club!

This is the story of some people who wanted to hone their dancing skills, and formed a club to help them do it ... Read More

West Coast Square Dancing Flexible Learning Program

The West Coast Square Dancing site provides a great example of effective marketing of square dancing. It serves as a vehicle to promote several clubs in western British Columbia. In ... Read More