Ed Foote – All Things Considered

Barry Clasper (barry@clasper.ca)
Last Update
2023-11-11 15:54:47

Ed Foote is a well-known caller who has been calling since 1965. He was a founding father of Challenge dancing and served as Chairman of the CALLERLAB Advanced & Challenge Committee for 30 years. He created the National Advanced and Challenge Convention, which for decades was a highlight on the calendar of most Advanced and Challenge dancers. Yet half of his calling every year has always been for Mainstream and Plus clubs. He is a CALLERLAB Accredited Caller Coach and has conducted hundreds of caller clinics and schools around the world. In 2008 he received the Milestone Award, one of CALLERLAB’S highest honors, for significant contribution to the square dance activity.

He writes prolifically and has had articles published in square dance magazines in all parts of the world. For over 30 years he has written a monthly column for American Square Dance magazine called "All Things Considered". Below are pointers to a number of these articles as well as some education material from his caller schools.

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<strong><em>Articles for Callers</em></strong><strong><em>Articles For Callers and Dancers</em></strong><strong><em>Articles About Advanced Dancing</em></strong><strong><em>Thoughts and Opinions On Various Topics</em></strong>

Click on a sub-section heading below to see the articles it contains