This page alphabetically displays the site categories and topic tags with descriptions of the type of material they include. Categories are large buckets containing material largely relevant to the category subject matter. For example, the History category contains books that describe how square dancing evolved, recordings of interviews with prominent figures in the activity, and pointers to websites with historical information. Tags are labels affixed to articles to show that the subject matter indicated by the label is dealt with in some significant way. For example, the History category contains the Sets In Order Archive, which contains digitized copies of the entire SIO publication. Material in that archive deals with Choreography, Recruiting, Equipment, Music, and many other topics. Therefore the article describing the SIO archive, which appears in the History category, is also affixed with those sorts of tags.
- Callerlab InformationThe CALLERLAB Information category includes information about CALLERLAB as an organization. For example, the current Board Of Governors, Past Chairmen, etc.
- CallersThe Callers category includes information to assist callers in areas such as professional development, calling mechanics and techniques, tools, reference materials, resources, teaching, working with clubs, recruiting and retention of dancers, etc.
- DancersThe Dancers category contains information for or about dancers. It includes areas such as recruiting and retention, teaching, lesson systems, socialization, club organization, etc.
- Audio (36)Information in the form of an audio recording, about making audio recordings, or about audio equipment
- Caller Education (101)Educational material or information about education for callers
- CALLERLAB (63)Material created or published by CALLERLAB
- Choreography (90)Material about the creation, management, or delivery of choreography
- Clubs (72)Information pertinent to square dance clubs: formation, management, funding, organization, social structure, operation, etc.
- Collection (59)Collection or list of similar or related items: for example, newsletters, education recordings, caller note services, magazines, etc.
- Community Dance (8)Information about the CALLERLAB Community Dance Program
- Definitions (19)Information about call definitions
- Equipment (21)Information about physical equipment related to square dancing
- Health Benefits (19)Information about the health benefits of square dancing
- Hearing Assist (3)Information about hearing assist systems for square dancing
- History (48)Historical information about square dancing
- Idea (29)An idea for addressing a problem or accomplishing a task commonly encountered by callers, organizers, or dancers. Often these are abstracted from a Winning Ways story which contains the full context in which the idea was used.
- Lesson Systems (57)Information about systems for teaching new dancers the calls they need to join a MWSD group
- Media Articles (10)General media articles about square dancing
- Mental Image (5)Information about using the mental image system of creating and delivering choreography.
- Modules (34)Information about the creation and use of modules in choreography
- Multi-Cycle (21)Descriptions of plans to foster multiple new dancer intakes in a year
- Music (40)Information about finding, using, managing, and playing square dance music
- Party Dances (21)Information about doing party dances - one-night events requiring no prior dance experience that are not intended to recruit dancers into a MWSD club
- Presentation (32)Information in the form of a presentation - an audio or video recording, a handout, or a slide set
- Promotion (109)Information regarding the promotion of square dancing, a club, or a dance event, including advertising, marketing, public relations, demos, brochures, direct mail, etc.
- Publication (15)Publications such as magazines, newsletters, and note services
- Recordings For Teaching (13)Information about recordings for teaching dancers - both calls of MWSD and individual party dances
- Recordings Of Dances (7)Recordings of live or virtual dances
- Recruiting Dancers (125)Information to assist in the recruiting of new dancers to MWSD
- Resource (52)Large collections or a wide variety of information or tools
- Retention (15)Information pertaining to keeping dancers in the group once they’ve been recruited
- Sight Calling (33)Information on the techniques for using sight calling in choreographic management
- Singing Calls (18)Information pertaining to singing calls: figures, music, voice, etc.
- Social (52)Information on fostering the social elements of square dancing
- Software (22)Information about computer software tools to assist in calling, dance management, or club operation
- SSD (20)Information about the Social Square Dance lesson system
- Teaching Dancers (83)Information about how to teach dancers
- Teaching Teachers (3)Information related to teaching school teachers how to provide an enjoyable square dance experience to children
- Tools (21)Information about tools that are helpful to callers, organizers, or dancers
- TV (6)Square dance items that have been on TV, or prepared for TV
- Website (25)Information or service in the form of a website, not just stored on a website. Example: is tagged as a website; the Hilton Equipment Repair homepage is not.
- Winning Ways (83)Stories shared by callers and dancers who have tried something out and are willing to share their experience for the benefit of others
- Youth (8)Articles pertaining to youth participation in square dancing