Sample Party Night Contract

Darren Gallina (darrengallina at gmail dot com)
MS Word Document
Darren Gallina is a caller in California who has a rich experience in calling party nights and specialty dances. He has kindly provided a sample of the contract he uses when scheduling such events.

When a caller is hired by a square dance club, a great deal of information may be "understood" because both parties are familiar with the general format of square dance events. When dealing with party nights, it is usually necessary to be much more specific about the nature of the event and the responsibilities of both parties to the contract. Items such as the following should at least be discussed and perhaps included in the contract:
  • Precise instructions for traveling to and entering the venue. Contact information for someone who will be at the venue. Parking information. Information about how you will get your equipment into the hall (elevators, escalators, stairs)
  • Do you need them to provide a table - if so, what dimensions?
  • Location of power outlets relative to table.
  • Nature of the dance floor - wood, carpet, tile, concrete, grass, gravel, etc.
  • Dimensions of the dancing area. Does it include posts? Will it include chairs around the outside, or is there a separate seating area for spectators?
  • Will there be a stage, or are you calling from the floor?
  • Will you be able to use your own sound system, or will you have to plug into house sound? If house sound, get precise information on how that works (can you plug your usual mixer (e.g. your Hilton) into the house sound or do you plug your laptop and microphone directly into the house sound, what cabling and connectors are involved, distance from your calling station, do music and voice have separate controls, who controls sound levels - you or a technician?). How much time will you have to set up?
  • Type(s) of dancing you offer (e.g. MWSD, Traditional Squares, Line Dancing, Round Dancing, DJ services, etc.) Special requests such as Virginia Reel or specific line dances.
  • Age range of the participants.
  • Are meals involved? If yes, are you invited or expected to participate?
  • Will alcohol be served?
  • Are you the only entertainment or activity? If not, where do you fit? Are you expected to attend while other activities/entertainment happen? If so, will you be paid for that time? Will these other activities be happening at the same time as the dancing? How might they interfere (sound, competition for participants, etc.)
  • Is there a theme for the event?
  • ????