NNJSDA Keynote Addresses From Roy and Betsy Gotta

Northern New Jersey Square Dance Association (NNJSDA) Convention
Betsy and Roy Gotta (separate presentations)

DREAM (Betsy's Keynote) || They're in the Door (Roy's Keynote) || Talking Up Square Dancing


At the Northern New Jersey Square Dance Association annual convention in 2018, Betsy and Roy Gotta delivered individual keynote addresses. Together, these presentations provide a wealth of insights and suggestions on how to market, recruit, and retain new dancers. Click on the links above to see the text of the presentations.

  1. Check out Betsy's keynote, titled "Dream", for an exposition on how to market and communicate with non-dancers. How can we change the way non-dancers perceive our activity? What messages do we need to communicate?

  3. Roy's keynote is titled "They're In The Door". If your marketing and recruiting is successful, how do you keep them coming back? How do you build a successful club?

  5. When you get an opportunity to talk about square dancing, do you know what to say? Has a friend ever expressed curiosity? Has a reporter ever approached you? Do you have an "elevator pitch" ready? "Talking Up Square Dancing" provides guidance on how to deliver appropriate, targeted, and concise messages when an opportunity presents itself.