Education Recordings on Styling

Barry Clasper (
Last Update
2021-07-22 15:13:29

The following education session recordings from past CALLERLAB conventions deal with the subject of Styling, and the teaching of Styling in MWSD. The sessions are listed in reverse date order (most recent first).

2016 Styling Agents (Audio) || (Video)
2016 CALLERLAB Convention, Norfolk, VA Styling Agents Moderator, Jim Mayo and Panelists, Shauna Kaaria and Buddy Weaver. Teaching dancers is more than teaching the choreography of the program. Styling is important to make dancers more successful, allowing them to correctly execute the calls with smooth dance flow. Panel will discuss how to inject styling into teaching and successful dancing.
2016 Blast From the Past (Audio) || (Video)
2016 CALLERLAB Convention, Norfolk, VA Blast From the Past Moderator, Mike Seastrom and Panelists, Tim Crawford, Jon Jones, and Jim Mayo. This session will be presented by Past Chairmen of CALLERLAB to outline past and present techniques of teaching calls and styling as part of the dance. Many callers believe they do not have enough time in class to teach good styling because there are so many calls to teach. Our Past Chairmen beg to disagree!
2015 Styling (Audio) || (Video)
2015 CALLERLAB Convention, Springfield, MO #Styling Moderator, Ed Foote and Panelist, Tim Marriner. Not only how, but why. How styling can help you and your dancers to succeed. Functional styling that helps dancers succeed and feel comfortable dancing (as opposed to regulated styling that implies "do it this way because I told you to” and “this is the way we always do it").
2014 How To Teach Styling (Audio) || (Video Part 1) || (Video Part 2)
2014 CALLERLAB Convention, Reno (Sparks), NV How to Teach Styling Moderator, Jon Jones and Panelist, Tim Marriner. Not only how, but why. How styling can help you and your dancers to succeed. Functional styling that helps dancers succeed and feel comfortable dancing (as opposed to regulated styling that implies "do it this way because I told you to” and “this is the way we always do it").
2012 Teaching - Successful Dancing Habits
2012 CALLERLAB Convention, Nashville, TN Successful Dancing Habits Moderator, Ed Foote and Panelists, Jerry Junck and Chris Pinkham - The panel will discuss and present dance styling and suggestions to help improve dancers skills.
2009 Teaching - Square Dance Not Scrambling
2009 CALLERLAB Convention, Kansas City, MO Teaching - Square Dance Not Scrambling Moderator, Jim Mayo and Panelist Jerry Junck - In our transition from the early days of MWSD to the complexity we have today the feel of dancing has suffered. This session will review some of the smoothness, accuracy and styling points that we used to teach. Today the number of calls and the complex ways they are used makes us leave those "dancing" subjects out of too-short classes. They can still be covered in workshops and at club nights. This session will discuss and demonstrate some of these. The panel will provide samples of this type calling for you to experience.
1989 Teaching Basic
1989 CALLERLAB Convention, Nashville, TN Teaching Basic Larry Letson, Moderator with Gregg Anderson, Rod Blaylock & Bob Poyner This first of two teaching sessions continues to show the importance that is placed on proper teaching by CALLERLAB. It is critical to the survival of square dancing that we improve our teaching abilities. What better emphasis than on the teaching of the Basic Program! The need not to shortcut teaching time. the need to teach in accordance with the correct definition and the need to show proper timing and styling will all be included.
1984 Styling
1984 CALLERLAB Convention , Chicago, IL Styling Lois Wolfson as moderator assisted by Bob Comyn and Cris Crisler. This session will deal with how we introduce proper styling in our classes and the importance styling plays in dancer longevity. Some pitfalls to avoid as well as trouble spots will be emphasized by the panelists. As callers, our job is to teach correctly with proper definition and styling. Leadership is doing -- not just talking about it.
1981 Styling Session
1981 CALLERLAB Convention, Kansas City, MO Styling A STYLING INTEREST Session will start the morning in the GRAND Ballroom. This session will be headed by Melton Luttrell and assisted by Jerry Haag and Cal Campbell. It will include discussions and examples of how to teach styling in your classes and clubs. Dancing examples will illustrate some proper techniques that can be used by all callers. This session will be taped.