CALLERLAB Square Dance Marketing Manual

CALLERLAB Marketing Committee

CALLERLAB Square Dance Marketing Manual

Japanese Translation

Keynote Powerpoint Slides


This square dance marketing plan has been developed by CALLERLAB members in support of our mission: “To foster the art of square dance calling, and improve caller skills.” Just like the square dancer population, the number of square dance callers today is dramatically smaller than 30 years ago. For CALLERLAB to increase the population of callers, we must start by growing the population of square dancers, thereby providing more opportunities for callers to call, and developing a population base from which new callers will be recruited.

At the CALLERLAB convention in 2018 Mike Hogan gave a keynote address about the Marketing Manual. Unfortunately, no recording seems to be available, but the Powerpoint slides he presented can be viewed at the link provided to the left. They provide a quick overview of how the document came to be and its content.

Document Abstract

It is CALLERLAB’s goal to provide square dance callers, square dancers and square dance organizations the tools they need to recruit new dancers in their local markets. This includes:

  • Education about marketing fundamentals, which will provide a review of the many things you need to consider about our activity when you begin marketing square dancing.
  • Accurate research about the state of our current activity and an understanding of the general public’s image and awareness of our activity.
  • Defined marketing strategy elements and exercises for groups to determine target demographics, benefits sought by each target demographic, analysis of our product versus products we compete with, a list of our marketing challenges, and a position statement.
  • Brand management tactics.
  • A large list of marketing tactics with “How To” instructions for each.
  • Collateral marketing material to support specific tactics.
  • Recommendations.
  • Case studies to demonstrate successes that are repeatable.
  • Fundraising ideas. Face-to-face training programs to assist local dance groups in their marketing efforts.