Mikeside Management Caller Note Service

This article points to editions of Mikeside Management by Stan and Cathie Burdick. The list below covers editions from 1992 to 2001. Click on the title to view a pdf ... Read More

Choreo Breakdown Note Service

This article points to editions of Choreo Breakdown. This caller note service was instituted by Bill Peters and was later taken over by Don Beck. As you can infer from ... Read More

News ‘N Notes Caller Note Service

This article points to editions of News 'N Notes produced by Al Brundage, Earl Johnston, and Ed Foote. This publication was a caller note service with a focus on choreography, ... Read More

Notes For European Callers Note Service

This article points to editions of Notes For European Callers originally produced by Al Stevens and later taken over by Lorenz Kuhlee. This publication was a caller note service with ... Read More

News ‘N Notes Caller Note Service (Advanced)

This article points to editions of News 'N Notes (Advanced) produced by Ed Foote. This publication was a caller note service with a focus on choreography, but also containing other ... Read More

Navigation Information

How To Use This KnowledgeBase There are three ways to navigate the content of the KnowledgeBase: By Categoryusing the menu under the masthead at the top of every page. By ... Read More

CALLERLAB Convention Audio Recordings (as of Oct 31, 2018)

Each year the CALLERLAB Convention provides two full days of education and information sessions. For many years audio recordings have been made of selected sessions, and latterly some have also ... Read More

Jack Lasry’s Notes For Callers

This article points to editions of Jack Lasery's Notes For Callers note service. This publication had a focus on choreography and teaching tips. The list below covers editions from 1969 ... Read More

Sets In Order (SIO) Yearbooks

The Sets In Order Yearbooks each compile a year's worth of the technical information about calls, choreography, and round dances into a single document. They differ from the monthly magazine ... Read More

Square Dance Foundation of New England

Type Resource Owner Square Dance Foundation of New England, Inc. (SDFNE) Links Website Description The Square Dance Foundation of New England (SDFNE) was founded in 1973 by caller and editor ... Read More

CALLERLAB COVID-19 Information Page

Last Update: 2022-11-29 17:06:19 (EDT) CALLERLAB is working hard to keep up with the ramifications of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. The purpose of this page is to provide you with ... Read More

KnowledgeBase Statistics

The KnowledgeBase currently contains 349 articles grouped into 3 categories and described with 44 different information tags. The graphs below depict KnowledgeBase traffic for the years indicated. "Views Per Month" ... Read More


This music site contains a huge collection of the offerings of many of the square dance music producers and permits online purchase and download. The site also has a number ... Read More

CALLERLAB Convention Video Recordings (as of Aug 18, 2022)

Each year the CALLERLAB Convention provides two full days of education and information sessions. For many years audio recordings have been made of selected sessions, and latterly some have also ... Read More

CALLERLAB Program Documents

This summary points to the primary program-related documents that have been officially published by CALLERLAB. This includes program lists, call definitions, timing charts, lesson checklists, teaching tips, formation charts, standard ... Read More

66th US National Keynote by Eric Henerlau

This article contains the text of a keynote address by Eric Henerlau at the 66th US National in Cincinnati in 2017. It is full of great ideas for growing square ... Read More

PINTEREST Page With Square Dance Material

This newsletter article describes a Pinterest board established by the Canadian Square and Round Dance Society (CSRDS) that contains material useful in the promotion of square dancing ... Read More

Lots Of Stuff About Modules

This summary article aggregates a great deal of material on the use of modules in square dance choreography. Modules provide a powerful mechanism for creating and presenting square dance choreography ... Read More

Behind The Mike Newsletter

Barry Wonson edits an Australian caller newsletter called Behind The Mike. It consistently presents a wealth of useful information for callers and dance leaders. You can subscribe to have editions ... Read More

Finding Music

This article aggregates a number of sources for obtaining music suitable for square dancing. It includes both music specially produced for square dancing and also sources of alternative music ... Read More

SSD Documentation and Support Materials

This article collects in one place documentation and materials that support the use of the SSD system. Some were created by the CALLERLAB SSD Committee while others were created by ... Read More

Teaching Orders

When planning for a class, regardless of program, one of the earliest decisions is to determine the order in which calls will be taught. This article collects information about a ... Read More

Multi-Cycle Program X Plan from Gardner Patton

In the past there have been plans that provide for a Program with less calls (ABC, Community Dance Program, Basic 1, etc.) with little thought to moving those folks who ... Read More

Tim Marriner’s Caller Education Materials

Tim Marriner was a CALLERLAB Accredited Caller Coach who created and published a large quantity of caller educational material over the years. Tim generously made this wealth of informative articles ... Read More

Mental Image Calling Materials

Mental Image is a calling technique that allows the caller to mentally track dancers and successfully resolve without visually checking the square. Of course, callers must observe the square to ... Read More