Welcoming Dance Environment Documentation

Omnibus Document (PDF)
Guidelines For Dealing With Inappropriate Behavior (PDF)
Guidelines For Dealing With Inappropriate Behavior (.docx Word Source)

Square Dancing is an overwhelmingly social activity. Therefore, it is essential that square dance groups create a social environment that feels welcoming, engaging, and safe. Events in recent years have caused shifts in social norms that raise questions about what “welcoming, engaging, and safe” actually means. CALLERLAB has acted to provide guidance in this area. The result is two documents, one an omnibus document containing an overview of objectives, two handbooks of procedures, and a template process that clubs could adapt for handling instances of inappropriate behavior. The template process for handling inappropriate behaviour has also been abstracted out into a separate PDF and also Word format so that users can customize the forms for their own use.

The following reproduces the Table of Contents for the omnibus document:

CALLERLAB Handbook Goals..............................................A-1
CALLERLAB Handbook for Dancers........................................B-1
Appropriate Dancer Behavior...........................................B-1
Defensive Dancing ....................................................B-2
Helping to Create a Welcoming Dance Environment ......................B-2
CALLERLAB Handbook for Organization Leaders and Callers...............C-1
Definitions of Harassment and Other Inappropriate Behaviors ..........C-2
Enhancing Caller Awareness ...........................................C-3
Teaching Dancers about Appropriate Behavior ..........................C-4
Organization Guidelines for Dealing with Inappropriate Behavior ......D-1
This omnibus document includes four separate sections that can be delivered as a single handbook or as separate standalone documents, depending on the audience. It is available in the CALLERLAB KnowledgeBase, https://knowledge.callerlab.org. (Search for “welcoming”.)

The fourth section in this omnibus document is a copy of Welcoming Dance Environment Organization Guidelines for Dealing with Inappropriate Behavior. This section is meant as a template for dance organizations to create their own policies and guidelines. The editable version (.docx) and a standalone PDF version of this document are available from the same CALLERLAB web page as the Welcoming Dance Environment handbook.

Please refer to the Welcoming Dance Environment Organization Guidelines for Dealing with Inappropriate Behavior for a draft Club or Organization Policy with specific information about the following topics:
  • When and How to Make a Report
  • Guidelines for Taking a Report and Addressing a Complaint
  • Inappropriate Behavior Complaint Form